Testing: measuring is knowing
The knot is tied, financing is complete, that new machine or robot is coming. Together with your machine builder, you put together detailed specifications. What could go wrong now? To be honest, a lot. After all, specifications are beautiful on paper; theoretically, the picture is correct. Practice, on the other hand, is an entirely different story. Testing is our answer.

Testing: how?
At Promation, we draw all our installations in 3D. This applies to both the robots and the control cabinets. This way, we virtually rebuild everything and can already exclude a lot of errors.
Some errors we detect this way:
- a robot crashing into the fencing
- a robot that cannot reach the goods
- components that do not fit in the control box
- a control box that gets too hot when all components are on
- ...
Because we have everything in 3D, we can also simulate the production speed. This way, we guarantee that the robot is indeed an advance over the manual work you do today.
Virtual reality
At Promation, we show all of this through virtual reality glasses, putting you right in the middle of the installation. Feel free to look around, take in the details and let us know what you'd like to see different. Maybe the passage between the fencing and the robot is very narrow and your employees have to replenish past here daily. We'd love to hear from you and work on a creative solution based on your feedback.
An overview of possible tests:
- 3D drawing of robotic cell
- 3D drawing of steering boxes:
- Do the components fit in?
- Is the cabinet getting hot?
- Do the components of the door collide with the components in the cabinet?
- VR test where you walk into your plant - Can you access maintenance properly everywhere? - Is the process correct in every detail?
- Aren't the passages too narrow?
- Are the production rates correct?
Measuring is knowing. By extensive testing, we avoid discussions and dissatisfied customers. That's why Promation goes the extra mile.