The importance of a specification
Time for a new machine or robot? This is quite an investment where you don't go overnight. After all, you are throwing large sums of money at it. It has to pay off, of course. So it is a good idea to draw up detailed specifications with the machine builder in advance. That way there will be no surprises later on.

Chargebook: what is that?
Let's start at the beginning. Just what is that, a specification document? It's a comprehensive document that gives you an initial idea of what your machine will look like and what it must be capable of. The specifications provide clear communication between you and your machine builder. In the document, you record all your needs and wishes. Important is the enumeration of the technical aspects. In this way you give your supplier a handhold to get started with the effective construction of the machine or robot.
Chargebook: why?
By recording clear agreements in the specifications, you avoid annoying discussions afterwards. The document is an added value for both parties. The machine builder who carefully follows the specifications is certain that he will deliver a high-quality product that meets his customer's expectations. You as the customer have a stick when that doesn't happen. So the more details described, the better.
Charge book: a practical example
At Promation, we received the following question from a customer:
"We would like a robot to stack our boxes. These arrive on a conveyor belt and they have to be stacked on a Euro pallet. We have only one type of box with the following dimensions: 15 cm wide, 30 cm long and 20 cm high, Which we always stack the same up to 1.5 m high. This with a production speed of 1 box in 20 seconds."
That is already a very nice description. Yet it could be even better. In fact, some crucial questions are still missing. Some examples are:
- How heavy are these boxes? An essential question to determine the robot.
- Does this box have a lid? Decisive for the choice of vacuum or gripper.
- Is there a lot of space to put this installation? Also consider support structures in the building, you cannot move them and this may compromise the placement of your machine.
- Who puts the power supply to the machine?
- Who will make the foundation for the installation if necessary?
You read, these are a lot of questions that can avoid discussion and stress if their answers are clearly described in the specifications. That way, you immediately avoid coloring outside the lines when building your new machine or robot.
In addition, of course, a specification document is also a good guide for us as machine builders. This is a second reason why we at Promation always start by drawing up this document. After all, we both want the same thing: a top machine that boosts your production. And good agreements make good friends. Win-win.